Driver Rater

Getting you Home Safely with Driver Rater

Introducing the ‘Driver rater App’, a road safety tool for your smartphones, that utilizes social media, user ratings, and dashcam technology for your road safety buckle. Get the app for as little as 1 USD/- month.

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Create Your Vehicle

Do you want notifications when other drivers make comments about your driving?
Would you like to reply?
To do so you must set up your vehicle profile

Driver Rater keeps all your data private. Apart from your email address, which is never disclosed, we only collect information about your vehicle. We don’t even know your name and in Australia and New Zealand one must have a “court order” to attain personal information from a vehicle’s registration or license plate.

Live Ratings &

Give live reviews and ratings to the drivers on-road and help your fellow road users to be aware of lousy drivers.

Record & Save
Dashcam Videos

Turn your SMART PHONE into a DASHCAM while you are driving. Record videos of reckless drivers then either save them in the DRIVER RATER APP or on your device. Rate and give reviews to drivers based on their recorded videos.

Search Registered
Vehicle Ratings

The Driver Rater App lets you search any vehicles and their ratings through their license plate, to ensure a great experience for all road users.

Refer & Earn

Earn FREE PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP FOR 3 MONTHS by introducing at least 5 new users.
ADDED BONUS – Those new users will also get one FREE MONTH of PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP by downloading the DRIVER RATER APP and signing up using your referral code

Built for everyone

Accessible to all

A quick glimpse of how our app looks on different screens, we promise you will love using the Driver Rater application!

Tech Stack​

  • Android

    Android app uses "Kotlin" language.

  • IOS

    iOS app uses "Swift" language.

  • Plate

    Plate recogination provided by "Carmen Flow Software"

  • CMS

    Our CMS uses "PHP - Codeigniter".

  • Corporate Portal

    The Corporate portal uses "PHP - Codeigniter" language and "Google Maps".

  • Payment Portal

    The payment portal is Driven by Stripe.