Driver Rater

Getting you home safely

Imagine if every time you went to work someone would come into your workspace and do something erratic or dangerous that could put your life at risk……. What impact would this have on you? How would you feel? Would you learn to resent it?

The fact is, if you commute or work on the road then you will deal with this issue almost every single day.

The costs of this to Businesses, their employees and the wider community are immense and not restricted to dollar terms.

Governments and the Police do their part, but we all know that dangerous, erratic, and aggressive drivers get away with it the vast majority of the time. Until that moment, that one-time things go wrong, and sadly too often someone gets hurt or worse.

Driver Rater Pty Ltd aims to make the roads a safer place to work. Our system, over time will start to identify these dangerous drivers and allow employers, insurance companies and the wider community to pressure them to reconsidering their driving behavior.

But to do this we need your help.

So, by signing up to DriverRater, not only do you get the benefit of using all our App’s functions and features at a price far cheaper than any other product on the market but together we might make a difference.

If together, we can prevent one accident, save only one life……

It’s worth it!